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7 Spring Home Renovation Projects

Spring is a great time to get started on new home renovations.

7 Spring Home Renovation Projects

Spring is a great time to get started on new home renovations.


After what always feels like a long winter, we’re ready to emerge from our comfortable hibernation to tackle home renovation projects. Whether you want to enhance your home’s curb appeal or take on a larger update, here are some ideas to put on your list now that warmer weather is approaching.

  1. Replace your windows. Spring is a great time to upgrade your home’s windows. If your windows are drafty, show moisture, or are difficult to open and close, it may be time to upgrade. New windows improve your home’s look while lowering your energy costs. In cooler parts of the country, spring is warm enough to do the work, plus it gives you a chance to open and air out your home.
  2. Repaint. If you’ve been looking at the same color walls for years or you’ve noticed scuffs and chips, a fresh coat of paint can bring new life to your home. Neutral greys and whites are popular and if you’re looking to sell, appeal to most buyers. Painting is a low-cost project with high impact--especially if you do it yourself. If you hire a professional, get quotes and recommendations.
  3. Landscape. Spring is a great time for planting and gardening. Flowers and neatly trimmed shrubs go a long way to improving curb appeal. For some, planting a garden is therapeutic. New to gardening? Consider starting with pots of flowers or herbs and a few vegetables. If you’re ambitious, move into creating garden beds in your yard. Consider planting perennial plants and flowers, so they bloom for years to come.
  4. Build or replace your deck. If you love to entertain outdoors, a new deck is a worthwhile investment. A well-built deck can last a long time and if made from the right materials, can add value. Composite decks can run over $22,000, and while wood decks are less at around $17,000, they require more upkeep. Once built, accessories like outdoor furniture and a firepit make your deck or patio inviting and cozy. As with any home renovation, weigh the cost against your lifestyle to ensure it is worth the investment.
  5. Resurface your driveway. In much of the country, the winter months can cause cracks, holes or crumbling in your driveway. Spring is a good time to fix those issues before additional damage comes from rain. Water pooling in low spots can cause cracking. While major damage may require replacing your driveway, minor cracks can usually be patched. Consider resealing your asphalt driveway to extend its usable life. Patching and resealing a driveway could be a DIY project as materials are easy to find and it’s not particularly difficult, but it will take at least a day or two to complete.
  6. Pull up the carpet. If you have carpeting in your home, upgrading to hardwood, laminate or tile could be a worthwhile option for a spring project. Pulling up carpet can also get rid of dirt accumulation and allergens. Hardwood is more desirable to potential buyers if you’re looking to sell. While carpet can last years, hardwood can last decades, is durable and easy to maintain. Hardwood is more expensive than other flooring materials, but most REALTORS® agree that it is worth the investment. This is a project you could do yourself if you are handy, but it may be best to call in professionals if you’ve never worked with flooring materials before.
  7. Replace your roof. If your roof took a beating this winter, spring is the time to get it fixed or replaced. Roofs have to deal with excessive heat and humidity or excessive cold that could cause shingles to become brittle. Spring allows for the job to be completed without interruption. First, bring a professional in to inspect your roof from damage that winter storms may have brought. You may only need to replace portions of your roof rather than the whole thing. Typically, an asphalt shingle roof lasts between 20-25 years, so a periodic check is worth it to find small issues before they become big ones. Get recommendations and quotes before you choose your roofing contractor.
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